
AI and Data Analytics to measure and prevent Coronavirus

Predictive analytics and big data have become a powerful tool for combating deadly disease outbreaks such as coronavirus and SARS.

BlueDot is one AI start-up that has developed intelligent systems that sift through data about people to determine the chances of disease occurrence. The AI platform from BlueDot is among the latest technological advances using data analytics to map and prevent diseases. Something quite interesting is that BlueDot predicted the SARS pandemic and turned out to be true. The SARS outbreak came with devastating effects and claimed the lives of almost 1,000 people. The outbreak alert about the Coronavirus on December 2019 is another evidence attesting to the powerful nature of AI technology. This later came true as the outbreak became mainstream on February 2nd, 2020.

The outbreak alert about the Coronavirus on December 2019 is another evidence attesting to the powerful nature of AI technology.

Natural language processing (NLP) is one tool used by BlueDot to track diseases with the company being successful in detecting diseases around the globe. For instance, BlueDot analyzes human languages around the world and use the information to assist them forecast disease outbreaks. Machine learning is another technology used by BlueDot with the algorithms offering updated information about possible disease occurrences. Nevertheless, the #AI technology at BlueDot saves time and resources by empowering health professionals with information on prevention measures. Often times, disease prevention poses threats compared to predicting and thanks to the machine learning tools, health specialists focus on patient safety.

Insilico Medicine is another start-up focused on using analytics in disease prevention. Based in Maryland, USA, Insilico Medicine is currently developing technology that will inform doctors about molecules capable of fighting against the coronavirus. The AI system at Insilico Medicine is fast and accurate having recently analyzed molecules and provided feedback about molecules suited to counter the coronavirus. The start-up is currently developing a database of molecular information that medical researchers can use in their projects and more so combating deadly outbreaks including the coronavirus.

Harvard Medical School is spearheading efforts to find solutions for the coronavirus by using machine learning technology to review data and information from various sources, including patient records, social media and public health data. As a result of a natural language processing tool, researchers at Harvard Medical School can search online information about the coronavirus and understand the current location of the outbreak. For example, NLP is aiding in distinguishing between people complaining about coronavirus symptoms and those discussing about the disease but not affected. According to the HMS, the patterns in online media can facilitate discovery of a location outbreak and promote increased awareness on potential solutions.

The University of Southampton also is undertaking research efforts in the current coronavirus outbreak with the institution using AI technology to model data from search engines to map the outbreak. According to the researchers, AI technology is assisting them to understand the movement patterns of the coronavirus from Wuhan to other parts of China and the rest of the world. These #machinelearning and #AI technologies have assisted researchers to predict the virus, its structure and its spreading methods. Consequently, this will help health professionals understand the solutions needed to combat further spread of the virus.

These machine learning and AI technologies have assisted researchers to predict the virus, its structure and its spreading methods